Tula Hats – Bulk Quantity Sale!

Tula Hats, including Gardener, Ranch and Vagabond are for sale in bulk quantity at a significant discount. We have a nice assortment of sizes ranging from small to extra-large.

Tula hats come with a UPF of 50+ which guarantees you’ll be safe from the harsh UV rays of sunshine. Available in small, medium, large and extra-large. They also have a stretch sweatband that adjusts to give you the right fit every time and a secure nylon strap with a spring-loaded ball lock to make sure it doesn’t blow off on windy days.

If it’s sunny, windy or humid outside, your hat will protect you from the elements. You can always get your work done. With our unisex Tula hat, you’ll be ready to face whatever the weather throws at you.

We have 66 hats for sale in bulk quantity for $750. This is a perfect merchandise purchase for any home & garden, nature & adventure store.

The inventory can be downloaded by going to our download section:

Tula Hat Inventory Breakdown

Teezy is Here!

Teezy – A name that most households will soon come to know!

A very young entrepreneur has started his home business hand sketching a soon to be very popular comic book named Teezy. Brooks “My Grandson” has been diving into various hobbies that most children his age would never think about.

Now, he has created Teezy from an incredible imagination. Brooks has decided to not only put him on paper but also circulate his comic books for others to enjoy.

Brooks has started his local marketing campaign traveling house to house on his bicycle.

Teezy Has Arrived

Teezy – A name that most households will soon come to know!

A very young entrepreneur has started his home business hand sketching a soon to be very popular comic book named Teezy. Brooks “My Grandson” has been diving into various hobbies that most children his age would never think about.

Now, he has created Teezy from an incredible imagination. Brooks has decided to not only put him on paper, but circulate his comic book for others to enjoy.

Brooks has started his local marketing campaign traveling house to house on his bicycle.

Brooks cycling through his marketing campaign.

Brooks getting Teezy Out

Countdown To Our Physical Move

We are three weeks away from moving our furniture to North Carolina. Even though the office and computer equipment have been moved to our farm, our household furniture still requires moving. It’s almost time!